Tag: Healthy Food
In 2013, The GMO Food Fight Continues
A guest post by Food Revolution Summit Speaker Ronnie Cummins On November 6, in the wake of one of the most expensive and scurrilous smear campaigns in history, six million voters scared the hell out of Monsanto and Big Food Inc. by coming within a razor’s edge of passing the first statewide mandatory labeling law for genetically…
The Truth About Grassfed Beef
Get answers about grassfed beef. Is it healthier? Better for the environment? What does it taste like? And how is it different than typical beef? Discover the truth about grass fed beef in this in-depth article. A lot of people today, horrified by how animals are treated in factory farms and feedlots and wanting to…
How the Food Movement Is Gaining Strength
More and more people are realizing that our food chain is in crisis. Agribusiness has made profits more important than your health — more important than the environment — and more important than your right to know how your food is produced. The United States now spends nearly 20 percent of GDP on health care, but levels…
Greed, Cancer and Pink KFC Buckets
We live in a world of profound contradictions. Some things are just unbelievably strange. At times I feel like I’ve found a way to adapt to the weirdness of the world, and then along comes something that just boggles my mind. The largest grassroots breast cancer advocacy group in the world, a group called “Susan…
Just How Bad Is McDonald’s Food?
Morgan Spurlock sought to find out in his 2004 documentary Super Size Me just how bad McDonald’s food is. In his film, I was interviewed and spoke about the role McDonald’s food plays in our epidemic of obesity and diabetes. For 30 days, Spurlock ate only McDonald’s food. All of us involved in the film,…
Is McDonalds Betraying our Kids by Barraging them with Junk Food Ads?
We worry so much about the many dangers to our children, like drugs and pedophiles and violence. But we often take for granted what might very well be the largest danger of all to our kids: the hundreds of billions of dollars spent each year on ads designed to get them hooked on junk food.…
Chocolate’s Startling Health Benefits
The food police may find this hard to take, but eating chocolate can be good for you. People say it causes acne, that you should eat carob instead, that it’s junk food. But these accusations are not only undeserved and inaccurate; they falsely incriminate a delicious food that turns out to have profoundly important healing…
Remembering Jack LaLanne
“Jack LaLannetowing 70 rowboats with seventy people on board for a mile and a half across Long Beach Harbor, all while handcuffed and with his feet shackled.” Photo from: User:cargoman02 — Jack LaLanne died on January 23, 2011 at the age of 96. He was a mentor to me, as he was to many. He was…
Is Your Food Fake?
Does your food come from a farm, or from a laboratory? Even if you try to eat healthy, it can be an uphill battle. Many of the items on supermarket shelves are chock-full of additives, preservatives, flavorings, colorings, fillers and artificial adulterants. Does this matter? Yes and more than you know. It turns out that what you…
Is Your Favorite Ice Cream Made With Monsanto’s Artificial Hormones?
Monsanto, you may know, is not likely to win any contests for the most popular company. In fact, it has been called the most hated corporation in the world, which is saying something, given the competition from the likes of BP, Halliburton and Goldman Sachs. This has gotten me thinking about, of all things, ice cream,…